Thursday, January 19, 2012

Line of Learning

I think that students should learn science through experiments, observations, and guided discovery.
For teachers to design and foster effective elementary science learning environments they should be familiar with the theories of how people learn and to apply that knowledge in their instruction and lessons plans in science.  At this point I really don't know for sure what are the best ways to teach science and what are the best ways humans learn. I am guessing it is through observation, hands-on activity, and drawing their own conclusions by inquiry. 
It is not enough to learn the conclusions of what scientists have learned over decades. This will not bring change in their existing preconceptions about scientific phenomena. We as teachers have to have in mind that students often bring to classroom preconceptions of everyday phenomena that are scientifically limited or incorrect.  Children should critically approach any investigation and to search for supporting and conflicting evidence when trying to explain certain phenomena.
Classroom environments that facilitate elementary students science learning should be with lots of innovative technology and resources that support learning science with understanding. Science learning should also be extended to outdoors.

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