Sunday, May 29, 2011

Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young

What an interesting fable to introduce children to the seven days of the week,  ordinal and cardinal numbers and ranges of color.  I loved the illustrations emphasizing the colors of the creatures that appear in the book.  I firmly believe it would catch the attention of the young reader or listener.  Each day one mice goes to investigate the unusual Something by their pond. They are all blind so they rely on their other senses. But each of them makes their estimation based on partial observation. Only the last mouse on Sunday takes all the features of Something into account is able to give insight and explanation to other mice of what the Something is.
What a wonderful way to explain to children that when trying to understand something in life they need to take many things into consideration.  Children would surely enjoy and laugh at the mistakes mice make in their descriptions of an Elephant they cannot see.
I would have each child read the words of one mice. We would have discussion of what the mice are missing to mention in their report on the big creature by their pond. The children could choose the mice they like and draw and color it. We could have a jar with strips of paper on which adjectives that represent the Elephant would be written. Children could assign adjectives to the mice which used them in his description.
I would ask children to explain how they understand  the mouse moral in the end with a little bit of my clarification. 

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