Saturday, June 4, 2011

Little Penguin's Tale by Audrey Wood

Each picture in the book  helps the reader have a better understanding of what the books is saying. As the nanny penguin tells her story I noticed on each page whale looking from the water and I could foresee that there would be danger to the penguin at some point. I could not tell that the author will prevent each time the penguin gets into danger for it to escape. This truly is the book that used art to the fullest as it has outstanding color for each image. The story strikes me as cute example of what happens when you wander away from home alone.  I then recall the power of stories that are told from generation to generation. 
I would show the students pictures of penguins from magazines and Web sites.  We would listen to the sounds they make.  After reading the story we would come together as a group  and identify  parts of the story that are real and parts that were make-believe.

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